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Madinat al-Zahra presents the unique history of Islamic Spain in the tenth century CE, when the westernmost part of Europe was largely ruled by the Muslim caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty.

Based at Madinat al-Zahra (936–1013 CE/326–403 AH), a fortified palace-capital on the western outskirts of Córdoba, Spain, the Umayyads transformed the Iberian Peninsula—which they named al-Andalus—into a thriving, bustling hub for artists, poets, scholars, and diplomats from across the Islamic world (dar al-islam).

This exhibition website invites you to delve into the key objects and themes of the exhibition, from the caliph’s tastes for luxury arts to the cookbooks of the palace kitchens. Discover the remarkable accomplishments of the Umayyads and learn what life was like in their radiant capital.
